Tag Archives: Shoes

Ra Ra Shish Kum Bah

28 Dec

Take the shish kum bah out and add the Avis.  What do you get?  RARA AVIS.  Lately, I’ve been coming across things that don’t necessarily make sense but that we accept and deem fashionable.  I have to remind myself that not all things fashion, makes sense.  So to the eyes that see weird, strange and ugly, others see beautiful, trendy and for lack of a better word, cool.  Who better to represent the Rara Avis phenomenon than the rare bird herself, Iris Apfel.  Anyone who knows anything about Iris, knows she is a prevailing innovator that has put her mark on the fashion world as we know it.  Pretty remarkable to do if you ask me.  With her ever growing empire of make-up, jewelry and handbags, she is now launching a shoe line with HSN.  We as fashion forward goers/thinkers have ways to influence each other in our own right.  Some might not realize, that (as we virtually tweet, instagram, Facebook, pinterest, style tag, etc) we put our mark on the fashion world.  We give and take from others sense of fashion/style to create interpretations we see fit to oneself.  It is inspiring even thinking about it let alone actually doing.  Iris Apfel created an avenue that would lead every fashion conscious consumer to be a little more daring, to be a little more out-of-the-box and that much more fearless in risk taking.  So, I dedicate this post to Ms. Iris Apfel because if it wasn’t for her, the word ECCENTRIC, would have no substance within its terminology, now would it?


“When you don’t dress like everyone else, you don’t think like everyone else.” – Iris Apfel


[Rara Avis Collection: Blue and White Beaded Stretch Bracelet]


[Rara Avis Collection: “Gator Glamour” Bypass Ring]


[Rara Avis Collection: “Owl on Branch” Goldtone Ring]


[Rara Avis Collection: Crystal Black Matte Bird-Design Ring]


[Rara Avis Collection: Crystal Heart Goldtone Cutout Pin]


[Rara Avis Collection: Geometric Wood and Gold-Color Foil Beaded Drape Necklace]


[Rara Avis Collection: Gold-Color Foil Sculpted Bangle Bracelet]


[Rara Avis Collection: Resin “Bug” Bangle Bracelet]


[Rara Avis Collection: Smoking Loafer with Sequined Bird]


[Rara Avis Collection: Pointy Toe Flat]


[Rara Avis Collection: Snake Moccasin]


[Rara Avis Collection: Suede Sequined Smoking Loafer]


[Rara Avis Collection: Suede Cone Heel]


[MAC make up collection by Iris Apfel]
Iris Apfel Handbag Collection Extinction at Henri Bendel

[“Extinctions” Collection by Iris Apfel]

Liebster Award

16 Dec


So, I woke up this morning to a lovely surprise.  Natasha & Nensi, two amazing bloggers of FreeUrCloset, nominated my blog for the Liebster Award.  A Liebster award is given to new bloggers who have less than 200 followers, to give them recognition, encouragement and to help the rest of the blogging community discover their exceptional blogs.  N-n-N has asked me to answer some questions about my Likes and how I took up an interest in blogging.  There is nothing I would rather be doing then shedding a little light on to who and what “Cups” is really about.

1.) What are you Passionate about?

Whenever I am asked “what are you passionate about,” or “what are your passions,” I am always thrown by the question.  There are many things that I am passionate about but if I had to choose just one, it would be writing.  Although I’ve studied fashion and love to know everything about the world it is in, my true love is creative writing.  Wow, I think this is a breakthrough.  I’ve never narrowed it down before.  Now, you and I both know 😉

2.) What is the favorite item in your closet?

No brainer.  My shoes!  I have quite a collection of high heels (mostly wedges) that I’ve collected in the past two years.  When I say collected, I truly mean it in every sense of the word.  Usually when shopping for heels I do it in bulk, 5,6,9 pairs at a time.  I know – crazy – but what is even crazier is that I’m also all about my plain Jane, Old Navy $5 sandals.  Since I live in warm weather climates and as much as I love to wear my heels, I find it much more practical to slap on my sandies and call it a day.  My poor heels sit along side each other just waiting for that special day when they can be worn.

3.) What was your favorite fashion trend in 2012?

There is more than one trend that comes to mind; however, a specific one that does is the stud trend.  I’m obsessed with studs/spikes on shoes, clothing, jewelry pieces, etc.  It’s just a Lady Gaga thing (in my opinion) to rock!

4.) What would be your dream job?

As I continue to explore my career options, I find it more difficult tapering it down.  A dream job I would love to have, has to be the ultimate goal most people desire – being my own boss.  As far as narrowing that down even more, it’s still unknown to me.  I am only 23 (as of today) and I feel there is so much more to still learn out there, but what I really want above all things, is to learn more about myself.

5.) Who is your fashion idol?

A woman, who I’ve recently picked as a person to watch, is Victoria Beckham.  I browse her collections every season and I find myself relating to her taste more and more.  I love my solid colors, my layered looks and my structured garments.  Victoria speaks loud and clear to me and she is definitely in my back pocket for people to be inspired by.

6.) What is your favorite day of the week and why?

SUNDAY!  It’s the national day of lazy.  First of all, who doesn’t like a weekend day?  Secondly, Sunday is a day to recharge.  Recharge as in, sleeping in, pampering one’s self, a huge movie day, football all day, etc.  Sunday is a day to do whatever you want while having no time frame in the day to do so.

7.) How did you come up with your Blog’s title?

Well, I am all about the corky phrases/sayings.  Anyone who knows me knows I like to not only make up my own phrases, but I love to make up things that don’t (by dictionary) make sense. My Cup (or not) Of Tea means: My Likes or Dislikes.  I found the title extremely appropriate.  It’s straight forward and to the point without being too literal.

8.) How did you get into blogging?

I tried blogging a few years back but for one reason or another it never really took off for me.  I was definitely not into it as much as I am now, and when I was sitting at work one day, I thought I would give it another shot.  I wanted to take it more seriously because I feel I had to get my opinions out on certain thing and trends.  I’m glad I was able to stick with it and it’s still going strong!

9.) What is your absolute favorite color?

It’s funny; my sister asked me that very question yesterday afternoon.  My response: “I don’t have a favorite color but I do prefer the natural/earth tone colors (e.g. browns, tans, whites, greens, greys, blacks, etc.)  Yes, I know Dee, I’m complicated.”  Her response: “OMG.”

10.) What is your favorite holiday?

Christmas, of course!  It’s the ultimate holiday in my eyes.  With my birthday so close to Christmas day, it’s a blast of celebration during the whole month of December.  If you couldn’t guess, I love the month of December in general.

11.) What is your New Year’s resolution?

Simple.  To keep Blogging.

Thanks again Natasha & Nensi of FreeUrCloset!  Looks like it is my turn to pass along the torch of the Liebster Award to 11 new bloggers.  Check out the blogs below that I’ve chosen to win this award.

The snow white effect


The Spots Hunter

Urban Rack

Girl Necessities

Curly loves

Real Cali Cali’s Blog

The Effortlessly Chic

Blissful Blog LA MODE A MONACO


Voulez – vous polish avec moi?

Now, it’s your turn my fellow bloggers!  Answer these questions (if you wish) and let us know a little bit about you.


1.) How do you define fashion/style?

2.) What is your favorite season?

3.) Who inspires you?

4.)  Why do you blog the things you blog?

5.) What is your one basic essential you CANNOT live without?

6.) What are you most proud of?

7.) If you had to dress casual or dressy for everyday of the rest of your life, how would you dress and why?

8.) What is a dream you hope to acquire during your lifetime?

9.) If you could trade places with anyone, who would it be?

10.) What fashion style do you consider a classic?

11.) What did you ask Santa for Christmas this holiday?

Leave me a comment on this post after you have answered all 11 questions so I and all the others looking can take a peek into the life of your blog and the blogger behind it.  And remember: pass on the Liebster Award to 11 newbie bloggers!

PS – Always and forever – Happy Blogging 🙂


“There Will Be Blood.”

5 Dec

Oxblood that is.  Does any shade of red truly go “out of season”?  Move aside generic browns, tans, greens and (even) blacks.  Oxblood is playing hard ball this season.  I’m glad the emphasis is on the deeper reds this winter.  As much as I love bright and colorful things, I also LOVE dark rich colors.  Although, I suppose I am biased toward the color since my hair and eyes are on the darker side.  Darker tones always seems to compliment those features more so than the lighter one’s do…in my opinion anyway. 



I love baggy knits.  It’s so forgiving and comfortable all while appearing effortlessly stylish.


Ooh, a gel nail in red/black.  Don’t get your hands too dirty!


Don’t be threatened, it’s only a leather jacket ;).  And can we please note the drop chandelier earrings! A-dor-ABLE.


What a bootie!  That’s all I have to say.

Low Heel? More like NO HEEL!

3 Dec

As I started thinking about what to write for this blog post, I was truly at a loss for words. My thoughts were beyond scattered and I just wanted to word vomit all over the monitor. All I wanted to do was scream, UGLY UGLY UGLY! But let me put some substance behind my feelings towards these – excuse me when I say – chode-like-heels. What I am not understanding (especially for us 5 foot 5 or shorter ladies) is why you would jam on a heel that does NOTHING to elongate your legs or amp up your height. Isn’t that the point of a heel? I understand that some women (and men) don’t prefer to wear such high of heels, so I suggest if you can’t/refuse to wear high heels then stick to a cute flat or comfy wedge. Otherwise, isn’t it just defeating the point? A heel is suppose to not only make an obnoxious clicking noise to make your presence known but to also create the illusion of a taller version of you. I think it’s safe to say that when a woman wears heels, it illustrates confidence and power. So to have these low heels come into play seems to be a 180* of why we wear HIGH heels at all.


Ok – lets not focus on the off-putting leggings/sock duo and the fact that this model’s foot is hanging off the edge, but focus on the heel itself. Did I say heel? Where? This heel couldn’t be any bigger than my pinky finger. The shoe has potential, we can all see that. However, with a stub for a heel…just makes no sense.

[Designer: Chloe]

How awe-inspiring could this shoe be? I see a definite wedge shoe with a flowing dress or skirt. To have constructed such a fanciful shoe only to then tac on a (what looks like) wood chip heel, will never make sense to me.

Blister Free – Guaranteed.

14 Nov

Every female has a pair of heels that she is in love with, that never leave the shelf.  Why do these shoes never leave?  Pain in the…ankle!  Fret no more, girlfriends.  The socks are here! What a relief.  I’m hoping this little trend rides out until summer 2013 for the sake of my little ankles and toesies.  The ultimate combo of rocking the heel while your foot is thanking you for doing so.  There is really no restriction on the type of sock that should be matched with your preferred heel, platform, flat, etc.  Whatever your shoe of choice is, don’t be afraid to go a little cray with the choice of your sock :).


[Marc by Marc Jacobs – Fall 2012]

Mixed it up!  Go balls-to-the-wall with all the possibilities of mixing and matching.


[Victoria Beckham – Fall 2012 RTW]

Who Needs Weapons, When You Have Shoes?

3 Nov

Talk about killer heels!  These bad boys are unreal!  If this isn’t GAGA status, I don’t know what is.  If you’re feeling tough, wear these.  If your feeling B.A., wear these.  Or if you’re feeling not so pretty, DEFINITELY wear these.  I’ve never seen a more fun and wearable shoe, before now.  Can these spikes be just a trend?  I hope not!  I want them in the classic category along with my little black dress and red Jimmy Choo’s.


Ah, the bootie shoe.  By far the most comfortable heels ever worn.  If they didn’t stand out before then they sure do now.  These spikes are quickly beginning to take over all shoe types and I’m SHhhhhlikin’ it!  I think I’ll deck myself out in black and go for a stroll in a dark ally somewhere.  No one would dare mess with me…would they?


What’s wrong with this picture? Ooooh ooh, I know, I know! THE HEEL.  Where’d ya go, my two little height projectors?  Looks like the souls or going solo this time.  If you can’t do the 5” heel, I don’t recommend doing an infinity” heel while preforming a balancing act.  CONSUMERS BE WARNED.


These shoes should come with a warning sign themselves; “Caution: Be careful when crossing legs or you’ll end up with a peg-leg.”


Taking the combat boot to a whole new level!  Please hand me my light grey acid washed skinny jeans with my ripped Pink Floyd (off the should) tee and lets call it a day, shall we?  I can’t get enough of these shoes.

           [Steve Maddens…and they are all mine :).  Best purchase of the season…so far]

Gold Rush

26 Oct

Gold, gold and more gold!  The 2013 RTW (accessories) Paris fashion shows were topped up to the brim with gold accessories.  From earrings to handbags, and handbags to shoes, gold was definitely in stock.




Aurelie Bidermann makes me want to dress up like a royal Greek Goddess this Halloween!  Can you picture it? A head full of gold.  Yes, I can definitely picture it.  Aurelie Bidermann?  You mean, King Midas.  Because this season is all about turning things into gold.




Eddie Borgo has the capacity and eye when it comes to making engaging and alluring pieces.  Borgo’s  pieces are bold and alive with geometry.  I can see it now.  A whole raiment built around a rubik’s cube shaped necklace.  Nothing screams BOLD like having blocks around ones neck.





LANVIN!  Ah, my favorite.  On point I see…once again.  These handbags have to be my favorite, I must say.  OK, OK, I am a tad biased but can you blame me?  Each piece from his accessory line makes a statement in and of itself.  With these pieces, there is no need to dress up…you dress DOWN!  You make Lanvin front and center.  You are a canvas and Lanvin is your painter.  Pose.



Oh, Mr. McQueen.  It is never a dull moment when surfing through his collections.  Pure insanity, illusion and radical thoughts within his lines.  GENIUS.  A designer that needs no intro, for his pieces speak for himself.  A magnificent knuckle clutch that puts the badass in cute is something every girl with a little hint of daring needs.





The epitome of fine tailoring and structure, I present to you, Yves Saint Laurent.  With the simplicity of well crafted art, Laurent knows how to keep things elegant with a slight edge.  What’s so great about all four elements? You are able to group them together without going over board. Keep true to the Saint and paint yourself with the basics while piling on all the necessities!